2800 (BL) Track Channel
14 gauge galvanized steel. Obtainable in unspliced lengths up to 24'
Options: 2800BL is supplied with a powder coated black finish. (No. 2800-ABL is constructed from12 gauge aluminum and is supplied with a black anodize finish) . 2800BL is available in unspliced lengths up to 24'. Holes can be drilled along the top of the track channel for direct ceiling attachment. Suspended tracks require Model 2808 hanging clamps for mounting.
Size Approximately: 2-5/8" wide x 2-3/4" high.
Weight: No. 2800 Channel [2800 BL] 1' - 2 lbs. 12 oz. , No. 2800ABL Channel 1' - 15 oz.